RESET III and VIRTUAL REALITY, September 9 – October 28, 2017

9 September – 28 October, 2017

Tina Sauerländer (peer to space)

Gazira Babeli (IT), Friedemann Banz & Giulia Bowinkel (DE), Dominik Halmer (DE),
Carla Mercedes Hihn (ROU/DE), Claudia Larcher (AUT), Patrick Lichty (US/UAE),
Judith Sönnicken (DE), The Swan Collective (DE), Tamiko Thiel (US/DE),
Fiona Valentine Thomann (FR/DE) & Alfredo Salazar-Caro’s (MEX/US)
and William Robertson’s (US), Digital Museum of Digital Art with the exhibition
Morphé Presence curated by Helena Acosta (US) and Eileen Isagon Skyers (PH/US),
with works by Rosa Menkman (NL/DE), Brenna Murphy (US),
Theo Triantafyllidis (GR/US), Miyö Van Stenis (VEN/FR)

Wall Street International
23 August, 2017

Mit Virtual Reality (VR) findet ein Umbruch im digitalen
Zeitalter statt. Durch die VR-Brille betritt man eine neue Welt,
statt sie nur auf einem flachen Bildschirm zu betrachten.
Das menschliche Streben nach Immersion, das schon
die Kammern ägyptischer Pyramiden, Freskenräume der
Renaissance oder riesige Kinoleinwände bezeugen, scheint
sich mit Virtual Reality nun zu erfüllen. Eine neue Ära des
virtuellen Raumes ist angebrochen.

Wall Street International Artikel hier

With Virtual Reality (VR) a fundamental change is taking
place in the digital age. Through the VR glasses people enter
a new world instead of only looking at it on a flat screen.
The human pursuit of immersion already demonstrated within
the chambers of Egyptian pyramids, frescoed rooms of the
Renaissance, or huge cinema walls is now seemingly fulfilled
by virtual reality. A new era of the virtual space has begun.

Wall Street International Article here

The Ocean, Sequence by Rinko Kawauchi at FT

The Ocean
Rinko Kawauchi reflects on the long summers of her childhood

‘Every year, I was aware of a slight sense of longing’

by Rinko Kawauchi
Source: Financial Times, 18.7.2017

Irked by the blazing sunlight, I used to wish for summer to end quickly when I was young. Every year, though, entering the final days of summer vacation, I was aware of a slight sense of longing.

As I get older, summers seem to have grown shorter to me — now they are times I try to enjoy as much as possible.

Every time I go to the ocean, memories of days at the sea come back to me. When I go to see the summer fireworks, I am reminded of my family from days long past — their presence, the feeling of them around me.

I wonder why memories of summer always feel so vivid compared to those of other seasons. Perhaps it’s because of how lucidly one can see the breath of life — how the fireflies fly about, their lights flickering, how the cicadas rise from the earth, chirping through the entirety of their ephemeral lifespans.