Elena Bajo, A Space to Reign #4
A Space to Reign #4
hand-crafted Datura Stramonium seeds cast in 24 karat gold, divinatory crystal ball, glass, mirror, ceramic fragments, light, plant parts, fabric scraps and soil
35 x 9.5 x 8 cm
A Space to Reign (2013–23) and is composed of hand-crafted Datura Stramonium seeds cast in 24 karat gold situated beneath a divinatory crystal ball, The crystal ball contains a variety of other materials—glass, mirror, ceramic fragments, light, plant parts, fabric scraps and soil—through which the seeds can be inspected. Situated at three locations in the gallery, these divinatory sculptures operate as central nodes in networks of aesthetic and shamanistic forecasting. A planned performative reading of a poem written by Bajo entitled “Devil’s Trumpet a Predicament of the Fool” will reactivate the installation.
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