Sep 9 – Oct 28, 2017
Claudia Larchers künstlerisches Interesse gilt Räumen, die mit Heimatgefühl, Vertrautheit und Erinnerung verbunden sind. Die Räume, mit denen sich die Künstlerin auseinandersetzt, sind einerseits topographische Gegebenheiten, andererseits Erinnerungs- und Vorstellungsräume. Dabei entstehen (ortsspezifische) Videoanimationen, Fotomontagen, Objekte und Collagen. Zudem experimentiert sie mit Live Visuals bei Performances und Konzerten.
Die Panoramen von Claudia Larcher (* 1979 in Bregenz, lebt und arbeitet in Wien) bestehen aus collagierten Bildern aus architektonischen Zeitschriften, die sie zusammenbringt und dann eine neue Form mit einer einheitlichen Oberfläche aus ihnen herstellt. Um die Arbeit zu erleben, stellt sich der Betrachter in die Mitte der von der Decke hängenden Skulptur. Der im kreisförmigen Panorama stehende Betrachter nimmt seine Umgebung durch diese Art von Filter wahr, eine Art analoge Version von Augmented Reality. Auf diese Weise wird er selbst (wie auch in der Virtual Reality) zentraler Mittelpunkt und betrachtet die Arbeit nicht mehr nur von außen, sondern ist mittendrin. Das Kunstwerk verbindet sich mit seiner Umwelt zu einer neuen Bildebene.
Ausbildung and lehre
2001 – 2005
Studies of Transmedia Art in the class of Bernhard Leitner,
University of Applied Arts Vienna
2005 – 2008 Studies of Sculpture and Multimedia Art in the class of Erwin Wurm, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Diploma
2014 Guest Professorship, Institute of Architecture and Design Vienna University of Technology
since 2016 Lecturer at the Digital Arts Institute, University of Applied Arts and the Insitute for Art and Design, Vienna University of Technology
Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)
2016 Claudia Larcher, Faux Terrain, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz
2012 Claudia Larcher, Baumeister, ORF Funkhaus, Dornbirn
2008 Claudia Larcher, – Heim, Kunsthalle Wien project space, Wien
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)
2013 Les Instants Vidéo, Institut Francais, Tokio, Japan
2012 Medien.Kunst.Sammeln, Kunsthaus Graz
2010 Pictures of Provinces, Centre Pompidou, Paris
2017 Studio Grant in Yogyakarta from the Austrian Cultural Ministry
2017 CCA Andratx, Artist in Residence Program, Mallorca
2016 Outstanding Artist Award for video and media art, bka
2015 Erste Bank’s MoreVALUE Film Award, at Vienna International Film Festival
2015 State Grant for Video- and Mediaart, Austria
2015 “20 seconds for Art Award “, KÖR (art in public space) Vienna
2015 Artist in Residence Grant, NIda Art Colony, Lithuania
2015 Nomination Project Pitch Award, Kino der Kunst, Munich
2013 Studiogrant of the City Vienna
2013 Nomination Kardinal König Award
2013 Baustelle Schaustelle Art Award
2013 Research Residency Program, Toyko Wonder Site, Tokio/ JP
2013 Dr Alfred Vendl Award
2012 Studio Grant, Bilbao Arte – Centre for Contemporary Art, Bilbao/ Spain
2012 Mentoring program organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education,
2012 Arts and Culture / bm:ukk, Mentor: Dorit Margreiter
2012 Audience Award, One Day Animation Festival Vienna
2011 „Startstipendium” for Media Art of the bm:ukk
2010 Studio Grant of the Austrian Cultural Ministry in Tokyo/ Japan
2009 Special Award, Content Award 09 for the video animation „HEIM”
2009 Grant of the Austrian Science Ministry
2009 Honorary Mention for HEIM at Diagonale 09, Graz/ Austria
2008 Kunsthalle Award Vienna 2008
2008 Honorary Mention for HEIM at the Filmriss Festival in Salzburg
2008 Game Art Award, re/act festival 08
2006 foreign exchange scholarship, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Lisbon/ Portugal
2005 Fred Adlmüller Grant
Belvedere, Wien
Artothek des Bundes, Wien
Artothek Stadt Wien
Kunsthaus Bregenz
Sammlung Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum
Ursula Blickle Archiv
Vorarlberger Landesmuseum
Gemeindesammlung Lustenau
Sammlung Illwerke VKW
and various private collections
Press DE
Claudia Larcher’s artistic work deals with architecture. She is interested in places, that are connected to history, familiarity and memory, questioning the meaning of “home” and “identity”. The last years she was working in the field of photocollage, (site-specific) video animation and mixed media installation. She is doing live visuals in performances and for live concerts. Claudia Larcher is co-curating the exhibitions of the artist collective PLINQUE since 2008.
The panorama by Claudia Larcher (*1979 in Bregenz, lives and works in Vienna) consists of collaged images from architectural magazines, which she brought together and then created a new form out of them with a uniform surface. In order to experience the work, the viewer stands within the sculpture that hangs from the ceiling. Standing in the circular Panorama, the viewer perceives his environment through this kind of mask, which becomes an analog version of Augmented Reality. He is surrounded by the work and therefore becomes the center (as in Virtual Reality) and perceiving the work not only from the outside, but from the inside as well. The artwork and its environment merge to create a new perspective.
Education and Teaching
2001 – 2005
Studies of Transmedia Art in the class of Bernhard Leitner,
University of Applied Arts Vienna
2005 – 2008 Studies of Sculpture and Multimedia Art in the class of Erwin Wurm, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Diploma
2014 Guest Professorship, Institute of Architecture and Design Vienna University of Technology
since 2016 Lecturer at the Digital Arts Institute, University of Applied Arts and the Insitute for Art and Design, Vienna University of Technology
Solo exhibitions (selection)
2016 Claudia Larcher, Faux Terrain, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz
2012 Claudia Larcher, Baumeister, ORF Funkhaus, Dornbirn
2008 Claudia Larcher, – Heim, Kunsthalle Wien project space, Wien
Group exhibitions (selection)
2013 Les Instants Vidéo, Institut Francais, Tokio, Japan
2012 Medien.Kunst.Sammeln, Kunsthaus Graz
2010 Pictures of Provinces, Centre Pompidou, Paris
2017 Studio Grant in Yogyakarta from the Austrian Cultural Ministry
2017 CCA Andratx, Artist in Residence Program, Mallorca
2016 Outstanding Artist Award for video and media art, bka
2015 Erste Bank’s MoreVALUE Film Award, at Vienna International Film Festival
2015 State Grant for Video- and Mediaart, Austria
2015 “20 seconds for Art Award “, KÖR (art in public space) Vienna
2015 Artist in Residence Grant, NIda Art Colony, Lithuania
2015 Nomination Project Pitch Award, Kino der Kunst, Munich
2013 Studiogrant of the City Vienna
2013 Nomination Kardinal König Award
2013 Baustelle Schaustelle Art Award
2013 Research Residency Program, Toyko Wonder Site, Tokio/ JP
2013 Dr Alfred Vendl Award
2012 Studio Grant, Bilbao Arte – Centre for Contemporary Art, Bilbao/ Spain
2012 Mentoring program organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education,
2012 Arts and Culture / bm:ukk, Mentor: Dorit Margreiter
2012 Audience Award, One Day Animation Festival Vienna
2011 „Startstipendium” for Media Art of the bm:ukk
2010 Studio Grant of the Austrian Cultural Ministry in Tokyo/ Japan
2009 Special Award, Content Award 09 for the video animation „HEIM”
2009 Grant of the Austrian Science Ministry
2009 Honorary Mention for HEIM at Diagonale 09, Graz/ Austria
2008 Kunsthalle Award Vienna 2008
2008 Honorary Mention for HEIM at the Filmriss Festival in Salzburg
2008 Game Art Award, re/act festival 08
2006 foreign exchange scholarship, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Lisbon/ Portugal
2005 Fred Adlmüller Grant
Belvedere, Wien
Artothek des Bundes, Wien
Artothek Stadt Wien
Kunsthaus Bregenz
Sammlung Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum
Ursula Blickle Archiv
Vorarlberger Landesmuseum
Gemeindesammlung Lustenau
Sammlung Illwerke VKW
and various private collections
Sep 9 – Oct 28, 2017