Ornella Fieres, Inverse Fourier 36
Inverse Fourier 36
C-Print, wooden frame, museum glass
84 x 126 cm
Edition: unique
For Inverse Fourier (2021), Ornella Fieres appropriates visual materials from various estates. The artist changes her visual input with the help of the Fourier transform (FT), an algorithm for image compression. She intervenes in the calculations, removing parts from the system, so that it will reproduce her selected output incorrectly. Fieres does not know the result in advance, nor the consequences of her actions. This intervention symbolizes the intervention of humans. Those who, inspired by the spirit of exploration, climb or dismantle mountains, encircle the world with electric cables, or produce atomic reactions. This process is exemplified by the works in the series. By visualizing the disruption in the system, the artist provides insight into the "mindset" of the algorithm.
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