Now and Then, Japanese Photography and Art
Dec 5, 2015 – Jan 23, 2016
Daido Moriyama ist einer der wichtigsten japanischen Fotografen nach 1945. Innerhalb und außerhalb Japans spielt sein Werk eine zentrale Rolle in der Etablierung der japanischen Fotografie als einer der kreativsten Richtungen in der Fotogeschichte. Moriyama leistete besonders in der „Provoke Era“ – Ende der 1960er/Anfang der 1970er Jahre in Japan eine Zeit intensivster fotografischer Aktivität – einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Fotografie und hat bis heute großen Einfluss auf die jüngeren japanischen Fotografen.
Wie viele Künstler seiner Generation befand sich Moriyama auf der Suche nach der Identität der japanischen Gesellschaft, einer Gesellschaft, die sich in dem Spannungsfeld zwischen Jahrhunderte alten Traditionen und dem mächtigen Einfluss des Westens, vor allem der USA, bewegt. Die Frage nach den Grundlagen der Gesellschaft und der eigenen Existenz führte ihn mit der Kamera in die Grau- und Randzonen des japanischen Lebens: in Stripclubs, die Hinterzimmer von billigen Kabukitheatern und zu den Bars für amerikanische Soldaten, aber vor allem auf die Straße und auch auf Reisen durch das ländliche Japan. Dabei ist seine Vorgehensweise nicht analytisch oder konzeptuell motiviert. Auf der Suche nach Randexistenzen, nach Brüchen in der Gesellschaft, streifte er unablässig durch die Straßen und fotografierte auch ohne den Sucher zu benutzen. Dabei entstanden Aufnahmen von großer emotionaler Ausdruckskraft. Oft fotografierte er aus der Bewegung und nahm dabei die Position eines streunenden Hundes ein – so auch die Titel zweier seiner Bücher „The Time of a Dog“ und „Memories of a Dog“. Seine Bilder sind bewusst grobkörnig, unscharf, verkantet, angeschnitten und von hohen Kontrasten geprägt.
Seinen rauen und expressiven Stil – Porträts, Straßenszenen, Aktaufnahmen und Produkte der Alltagskultur – entwickelte Daido Moriyama sowohl unter dem Eindruck der japanischen Avantgarde, wie z. B. des Fotografen Shomei Tomatsu und des Theatermanns Shuji Terayama, als auch der amerikanischen Kunst, wobei vor allem die Fotografie von William Klein und die Grafik von Andy Warhol zu nennen sind.
Auch wenn die Fotografie von Moriyama eine sich unter amerikanischem Einfluss rapide verändernde japanische Gesellschaft zeigt, hat sich Moriyama im Gegensatz zu seinen Kollegen der „Povoke Era“ nie als ein politischer Fotograf verstanden. Vielmehr stehen seine Fotografien immer auch in einer direkten Beziehung zu seinem eigenen Leben.
Daido Moriyama, 1938 in Osaka geboren, studierte zuerst Design, bevor er ein Studium der Fotografie in Kobe beginnt. 1961 geht er nach Tokio, um der Gruppe VIVO (Tomatsu, Hosoe etc.) beizutreten. Doch löst sich die Gruppe gerade auf und Moriyama wird Assistent bei Eikoh Hosoe. 1964 trifft er Takuma Nakahira, mit dem er eine intensive künstlerische Freundschaft beginnt. 1968 erscheint sein erstes Buch „Japan: A Photo Theater“. 1969 publiziert er in der 2. Ausgabe der Zeitschrift „Provoke“. Zu der Zeitschrift hat Nobuyoshi Araki bemerkt: „Sie war wie eine Bombe in der japanischen Fotografie“. 1971 reist Moriyama mit dem Designer Tadanori Yoko nach New York. 1972–74 publiziert er mehrere Bücher, darunter „Farewell Photography“, in dem er die Grenzen des Mediums erforscht.
1938 Born in Ikeda City, Osaka, Japan
1959 Took an apprenticeship under photographer Takeji Iwamiya
1961 Moved to Tokyo, became assistant to photographer Eikoh Hosoe
1968 Joined “Provoke”, an experimental photography magazine
2016 Daido Moriyama, Daido Tokyo, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France
2015 Daido Moriyama, Daido Moriyama in Color, Galleria Carla Sozzani, Milan, Italy
2015 Daido Moriyama, Catching Eye, Catching Mind, Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery, Hong Kong 2014 Searching Journeys, Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong
2013 Daido Moriyama, Silkscreens, Hamiltons Gallery, London UK
2012 Daido Moriyama, Fracture: Daido Moriyama, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA
2012 Daido Moriyama, Candid, Stephen Cohen Gallery, Los Angeles, CA Color, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2012 Daido Moriyama, Tights and Lips, Michael Hoppen Gallery, London, UK
2012 Daido Moriyama, William Klein + Daido Moriyama, Tate Modern, London UK (Joint Retrospective)
2012 Daido Moriyama, The Daido Moriyama Cycle: Hokkaido-Northern, Paris, and Serigraphies, Polka Galerie, Paris, France
2011 Daido Moriyama, On the Road, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
2011 Daido Moriyama, „Tokyo Meshed World‟, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2011 Daido Moriyama, Photobook Accident installation, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2010 Daido Moriyama, Hawaii, Luring Augustine, New York, NY
2010 Daido Moriyama, Daido Moriyama Visioni del Mondo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Modena, Italy
2010 Daido Moriyama, Memory of My Eyes, Galleri Riis, Oslo, Norway
2010 Daido Moriyama, Tsugaru, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Daido Moriyama, The 80’s Vintage Prints, Steven Kasher Gallery, New York, NY bye-bye polaroid, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Daido Moriyama, DAIDO RETROSPECTIVE 1965-2005, DAIDO HAWAII, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Daido Moriyama, Hokkaido, Rathole Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Daido Moriyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Studio Guenzani, Milano, Italy
2007 Daido Moriyama, Vintage prints from the 1960s and 70s, Galleri Riis, Oslo, Norway
2007 Daido Moriyama,Hawaii, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2007 Daido Moriyama, Retrospectiva desde 1965, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo, Sevilla, Spain, and Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, Germany
2006 Daido Moriyama, it, RAT HOLE GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan
2006 Daido Moriyama, shinjuku 1973, 25pm, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2006 Daido Moriyama, Foam, Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2005 Daido Moriyama, Wilderness!, LOGOS gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2005 Daido Moriyama, Tokyo, Reflex New Art Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2005 Daido Moriyama, Buenos Aires, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2005 Daido Moriyama, Buenos Aires, Gallery D‟s (Kyoto University of Art and Design), Kyoto, Japan Daido Moriyama, Gallery RAKU (Kyoto University of Art and Design), Kyoto, Japan
2005 Daido Moriyama, vintage and modern prints daido moriyama, Galerie Bob van Oursow, Zurich, Switzerland
2004 Daido Moriyama, Remix, Galerie Kamel Mennour, Paris, France
2004 Daido Moriyama, DAIDO MORIYAMA Colour prints and vintages, Galerie Priska Pasquer, Cologne, Germany
2004 Daido Moriyama, MARUZEN Marunouchi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Daido Moriyama, Shine Gallery, London, United Kingdom
2003 Daido Moriyama, Fondation Cartier pour l’art Contemporain, Paris, France
2003 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido 1965-2003, Shimane Art Museum, Shimane, Japan travelling to Kushiro Art Museum, Hokkaido, Japan, Kawasaki City Museum, Kawasaki, Japan
2002 Daido Moriyama, Inside the white cube: Antipodes, White Cube, London, United Kingdom Daido Moriyama: Shinjuku – Platform – Light & Shadow, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Nagoya, Japan
2002 Daido Moriyama, 71 – NY, Roth Horowitz, New York, NY
2002 Daido Moriyama, Platform, Light and Shadow, Daiwa Radiator Factory, Hiroshima, Japan
2002 Daido Moriyama, Shinjuku, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2001 Daido Moriyama, Stray Dog, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, MA,
2001 Daido Moriyama, traveling to Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego, CA 2000 Passage, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2001 Daido Moriyama, Stray Dog, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland, travelling to
2001 Daido Moriyama, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
1999 Daido Moriyama, Hunter, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
1999 Daido Moriyama, Rafflesia, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1999 Daido Moriyama, Tono Story, Taka Ishii Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1999 Daido Moriyama, Stray Dog, San Francisco MOMA, San Francisco, CA; traveled to The Metropolitan Museum, Japan Society, New York, NY
1999 Daido Moriyama, Tokyo Colors, The Deep Gallery, Paris, France
1998 Daido Moriyama, Fragments, Parco Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Osaka, Taka Ishii Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1997 Daido Moriyama, Osaka, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1996 Color, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1995 Imitation, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1997 Daido Moriyama, Peeping Out, Place M, Tokyo, Japan
1994 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition, On Sunday’s, Tokyo, Japan
1993 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition, Laurence Miller Gallery, New York, NY 1992 Moriyama Daido: Works of 1970’s, Il Tempo, Tokyo, Japan
1990 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition, Zeit Photo Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1982 Daido Moriyama, Light and Shadow, The Last Part, Konishiroku Photo Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1981 Light and Shadow, Nagase Photo Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1982 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition, Zeit Photo Salon, Tokyo, Japan 1980 Japan, Fotogalerie in FORUM STADTPARK, Graz, Austria
1978 Daido Moriyama, Tsugaru Straits, CAMP, Tokyo, Japan
1978 Daido Moriyama, Niigata City, CAMP, Tokyo, Japan
1977 Daido Moriyama, Tokyo, Ginza Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1976 Daido Moriyama, Goshogawara, Ginza Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1976 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition Shadai Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1976 Daido Moriyama, Whistle if You Need Me, CAMP, Tokyo, Japan 1974 Tales of Tono, Ginza Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)
2015 For a New World to Come: Experiments in Japanese Art and Photography, 1968-1979, Museum of Fine Art, Houston, TX; Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York, NY;
2015 Japan Society Gallery, New York, NY
2015 Perfect Likeness: Photography and Composition, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2015 The Provoke Era: Japanese Photography from the Collection of SFMOMA, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
2015 Sinnliche Ungewissheit: Eine private Sammlung, Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
2015 Up Close: Erotic Japanese Photography, Hong Kong Contemporary Art Foundation, Hong Kong
2014 de Marseillaise: vijftien jaar verzamelen / Fifteen Years of Collecting, Huis Marseille, Museum of Photography, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2014 Only The Good Ones: The Snapshot Aesthetic Revisited, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic
2014 Public Eye: 175 Years of Sharing Photography, Stephen A. Schwarzman
2014 Building, New York Public Library, New York, NY
2013 With a Trace: Photographs of Absence, Akron Art Museum, Akron, OH
2013 Xerography, Firstsite, Colchester, Essex, UK
2012 Junge Menschen (Young People), Fotomuseum Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland
2012 Tokyo 1955-1970: A New Avant-Garde, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY 2011 Longing for Identity: Post war Japanese Photographers, Yoshii Gallery, New York, NY
2012 Daido Moriyama x Mika Ninagawa, Taka Ishii Gallery, Kyoto and Tomio Koyama Gallery, Kyoto
2012 Daido Moriyama: Printing Show – TKY, Performa at Aperture Gallery, New York, NY
2010 Twenty Five, Luhring Augustine, New York, NY
2008 Asian Dub Photography, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Moderna, Italy
2008 A Quiet Gaze, Echoing Worlds, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Diana und Actaeon – Der Verbotene Blick Auf Die Nacktheit, Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Germany
2008 You Have Seen Their Faces, Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
2008 Darkside – Photographic Desire and Sexuality Photographed, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland
2007 Portraits, Luhring Augustine, New York, NY
2007 EYES OF AN ISLAND, A survey of Japanese photography, 1945-2007, Michael Hoppen Gallery, London, United Kingdom
2006 Biennale of Sydney, Zones of Contact, Sydney, Australia
2006 Collection of the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
2005 RISING SUN, MELTING MOON, Contemporary Art in Japan, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
2005 CHIKAKU: Time and Memory in Japan, Kunsthaus Graz & Camera Austria travelling to Museum of Contemporary Art Vigo, Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki, Japan
2005 Beyond Light and Shadow The Collection of Kushiro Art Museum: Photographs, Kushiro Art Museum, Hokkaido, Japan
2005 Children of the World: Witness for Tomorrow, The Bunkamura Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan
2005 MORIYAMA SHINJUKU ARAKI, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Rencontres d’Arles Photo Festival 2004
2002 Photonesia, Naha City Public Gallery, Okinawa, Japan
2001 Open City: Street photographs since 1950, Museum of Modern Art Oxford,
2001 United Kingdom, traveling to The Lowry, Salford Quays, United Kingdom, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao, Spain
1996 Figure, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1995 Photo City Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
1995 Museum of Modern Art Tokyo and Photography 1953-1995, Museum of Modern Art Tokyo Film Center, Tokyo, Japan
1994 Place M Opening Exhibition, Place M, Tokyo, Japan
1992 Japanese Pop Art 1969’s, Fukui Art Museum, Fukui, Japan 1991 Beyond Japan, Barbican Art Gallery, London, United Kingdom
1992 Japanese Photography in Memories Frozen in Time 1970’s, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
1990 Fotofest ’90, Houston, TX
1990 Foto Biennale Rotterdam ’90, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
1990 Tokyo, A City Perspective, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
1990 The Past and the Present of Photography, Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
1990 Photography and Climatology, Miyagi Museum of Art, Miyagi, Japan 1989 Internationale Foto-Triennale, Esslingen, Germany
1990 Eleven Photographers 1965-1975, Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art, Yamaguchi, Japan
1990 Orientalism, White Museum, World Design Expo ’89, Nagoya, Japan
1988 Japanese Contemporary Photographers, Prague, Czech Republic
1987 Japanese Contemporary Photography, Rochester
1986 Fotografia Japonesa Contemporanea, Madrid, Spain
1985 Black Sun: The Eyes of Four, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, United Kingdom 1979 Japan: A Self-Portrait, International Center of Photography, New York, NY 1976 1985 Neue Fotografie aus Japan, Municipal Museum of Graz, Graz, Austria
1975 A History of Japanese Modern Photography, Seibu Museum, Tokyo, Japan 1974 New Japanese Photography, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
1975 Fifteen Photographers, Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
2012 Lifetime Achievement Infinity Award from The International Center for Photography, NY
2004 Lifetime Achievement Award from The Photographic Society of Japan the Cultural Award from the German Photographic Association
1983 Photographer of the Year Award from The Photographic Society of Japan 1967 New Artist Award from the Japan Photo-Critics Association
Daido Moriyama is widely recognized as one of Japan’s most important and influential photographers. Emerging from the Provoke movement of the 60s, which challenged the rigid artistic formalities of the Japanese photographic scene at that time, he created highly innovative and intensely personal work, often depicting what he saw as the breakdown of traditional values in post-war Japan.
Daido Moriyama was born in Ikeda in the Japanese prefecture of Osaka in 1938. After training as a graphic designer and being stimulated to take an interest in the medium of photography by Takeji Iwamiya, he moved to Tokyo in 1961. He had planned to apply for a post with the VIVO agency based there, whose chief initiators included the photographers Shomei Tomatsu and Eikoh Hosoe. But as VIVO was at that time in the process of breaking up, Moriyama sought a different solution. He had the opportunity of working with Eikoh Hosoe, where he was primarily responsible for the publication of photographs. After three years, in 1964, he resigned his post with his great role model, and went freelance.
From then on he produced countless shots taken in the cities of Japan, which he combed on foot, or, à la Jack Kerouac, by car “on the road”, always with his hand-held camera. In rapid succession, the photographs bear witness to the virulent and unpredictable life of the streets, showing the contrasting mix of Asian-traditional and Western-modern, as well as a world of new media and liberal attitudes that was penetrating everyday life. The street-photographer Moriyama records all he encounters but pronounces no judgments; he looks into individual faces, sees geishas and street-girls, accompanies parades, notices architectural features and façades in seemingly random juxtaposition, peers into private niches or looks at film posters, slogans and advertising logos with their promises. While on the one hand the turbulence of civilization is reproduced, on the other Moriyama also wrests from this very turbulence, time and again in still-lifes and minute details as well as chiaroscuro depictions, calm, almost meditative moments.
If the imagery of Moriyama’s photographs is brusque, contrasty, out-of-focus and grainy, this is due on the one hand to his rapid style of shooting, often while he himself is moving, in which he often does not even look through the viewfinder, and on the other to his intensive work in the darkroom, during which he experiences the motifs once more and seeks to condense them. The shot of the Misawa “Stray Dog” (1971) is as it were a symbol, chosen by Moriyama himself, of his own œuvre: border-crossing, uncommitted, instinctive and highly attentive to atmosphere and detail. The act of taking a photograph as of post-processing can certainly be described as an existential necessity for Moriyama, to which he yields expansively and uncompromisingly.
In 1971, on a trip to New York. Moriyama was to go on to compose an image of the city that was both his own and yet related to the work of American photographers like William Klein and Robert Frank. Likewise of great importance was the Pop artist Andy Warhol, and here in particular his silk-screen prints for the Car Crashes (1963), which are directly adopted in Moriyama’s own 1969 series on the theme, titled Smash-Up. Another series, likewise influenced by Warhol, deals with the overcrowded yet stimulating world of commodities, with Coca-Cola and V 8 juice, was published in the influential and revolutionary photo-magazine Provoke (among whose founders was Moriyama’s friend Takuma Nakahira), which provided a striking forum for a confrontation with new aesthetic possibilities
1938 Born in Ikeda City, Osaka, Japan
1959 Took an apprenticeship under photographer Takeji Iwamiya
1961 Moved to Tokyo, became assistant to photographer Eikoh Hosoe
1968 Joined “Provoke”, an experimental photography magazine
Solo Exhibitions
2016 Daido Moriyama, Daido Tokyo, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France
2015 Daido Moriyama, Daido Moriyama in Color, Galleria Carla Sozzani, Milan, Italy
2015 Daido Moriyama, Catching Eye, Catching Mind, Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery, Hong Kong 2014 Searching Journeys, Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong
2013 Daido Moriyama, Silkscreens, Hamiltons Gallery, London UK
2012 Daido Moriyama, Fracture: Daido Moriyama, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA
2012 Daido Moriyama, Candid, Stephen Cohen Gallery, Los Angeles, CA Color, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2012 Daido Moriyama, Tights and Lips, Michael Hoppen Gallery, London, UK
2012 Daido Moriyama, William Klein + Daido Moriyama, Tate Modern, London UK (Joint Retrospective)
2012 Daido Moriyama, The Daido Moriyama Cycle: Hokkaido-Northern, Paris, and Serigraphies, Polka Galerie, Paris, France
2011 Daido Moriyama, On the Road, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
2011 Daido Moriyama, „Tokyo Meshed World‟, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2011 Daido Moriyama, Photobook Accident installation, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2010 Daido Moriyama, Hawaii, Luring Augustine, New York, NY
2010 Daido Moriyama, Daido Moriyama Visioni del Mondo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Modena, Italy
2010 Daido Moriyama, Memory of My Eyes, Galleri Riis, Oslo, Norway
2010 Daido Moriyama, Tsugaru, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Daido Moriyama, The 80’s Vintage Prints, Steven Kasher Gallery, New York, NY bye-bye polaroid, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Daido Moriyama, DAIDO RETROSPECTIVE 1965-2005, DAIDO HAWAII, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Daido Moriyama, Hokkaido, Rathole Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Daido Moriyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Studio Guenzani, Milano, Italy
2007 Daido Moriyama, Vintage prints from the 1960s and 70s, Galleri Riis, Oslo, Norway
2007 Daido Moriyama,Hawaii, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2007 Daido Moriyama, Retrospectiva desde 1965, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo, Sevilla, Spain, and Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, Germany
2006 Daido Moriyama, it, RAT HOLE GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan
2006 Daido Moriyama, shinjuku 1973, 25pm, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2006 Daido Moriyama, Foam, Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2005 Daido Moriyama, Wilderness!, LOGOS gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2005 Daido Moriyama, Tokyo, Reflex New Art Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2005 Daido Moriyama, Buenos Aires, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2005 Daido Moriyama, Buenos Aires, Gallery D‟s (Kyoto University of Art and Design), Kyoto, Japan Daido Moriyama, Gallery RAKU (Kyoto University of Art and Design), Kyoto, Japan
2005 Daido Moriyama, vintage and modern prints daido moriyama, Galerie Bob van Oursow, Zurich, Switzerland
2004 Daido Moriyama, Remix, Galerie Kamel Mennour, Paris, France
2004 Daido Moriyama, DAIDO MORIYAMA Colour prints and vintages, Galerie Priska Pasquer, Cologne, Germany
2004 Daido Moriyama, MARUZEN Marunouchi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Daido Moriyama, Shine Gallery, London, United Kingdom
2003 Daido Moriyama, Fondation Cartier pour l’art Contemporain, Paris, France
2003 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido 1965-2003, Shimane Art Museum, Shimane, Japan travelling to Kushiro Art Museum, Hokkaido, Japan, Kawasaki City Museum, Kawasaki, Japan
2002 Daido Moriyama, Inside the white cube: Antipodes, White Cube, London, United Kingdom Daido Moriyama: Shinjuku – Platform – Light & Shadow, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Nagoya, Japan
2002 Daido Moriyama, 71 – NY, Roth Horowitz, New York, NY
2002 Daido Moriyama, Platform, Light and Shadow, Daiwa Radiator Factory, Hiroshima, Japan
2002 Daido Moriyama, Shinjuku, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2001 Daido Moriyama, Stray Dog, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, MA,
2001 Daido Moriyama, traveling to Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego, CA 2000 Passage, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2001 Daido Moriyama, Stray Dog, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland, travelling to
2001 Daido Moriyama, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
1999 Daido Moriyama, Hunter, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
1999 Daido Moriyama, Rafflesia, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1999 Daido Moriyama, Tono Story, Taka Ishii Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1999 Daido Moriyama, Stray Dog, San Francisco MOMA, San Francisco, CA; traveled to The Metropolitan Museum, Japan Society, New York, NY
1999 Daido Moriyama, Tokyo Colors, The Deep Gallery, Paris, France
1998 Daido Moriyama, Fragments, Parco Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Osaka, Taka Ishii Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1997 Daido Moriyama, Osaka, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1996 Color, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1995 Imitation, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1997 Daido Moriyama, Peeping Out, Place M, Tokyo, Japan
1994 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition, On Sunday’s, Tokyo, Japan
1993 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition, Laurence Miller Gallery, New York, NY 1992 Moriyama Daido: Works of 1970’s, Il Tempo, Tokyo, Japan
1990 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition, Zeit Photo Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1982 Daido Moriyama, Light and Shadow, The Last Part, Konishiroku Photo Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1981 Light and Shadow, Nagase Photo Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1982 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition, Zeit Photo Salon, Tokyo, Japan 1980 Japan, Fotogalerie in FORUM STADTPARK, Graz, Austria
1978 Daido Moriyama, Tsugaru Straits, CAMP, Tokyo, Japan
1978 Daido Moriyama, Niigata City, CAMP, Tokyo, Japan
1977 Daido Moriyama, Tokyo, Ginza Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1976 Daido Moriyama, Goshogawara, Ginza Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
1976 Daido Moriyama, Moriyama Daido Photo Exhibition Shadai Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1976 Daido Moriyama, Whistle if You Need Me, CAMP, Tokyo, Japan 1974 Tales of Tono, Ginza Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan
Selected Group Exhibitions
2015 For a New World to Come: Experiments in Japanese Art and Photography, 1968-1979, Museum of Fine Art, Houston, TX; Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York, NY;
2015 Japan Society Gallery, New York, NY
2015 Perfect Likeness: Photography and Composition, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA
2015 The Provoke Era: Japanese Photography from the Collection of SFMOMA, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
2015 Sinnliche Ungewissheit: Eine private Sammlung, Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
2015 Up Close: Erotic Japanese Photography, Hong Kong Contemporary Art Foundation, Hong Kong
2014 de Marseillaise: vijftien jaar verzamelen / Fifteen Years of Collecting, Huis Marseille, Museum of Photography, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2014 Only The Good Ones: The Snapshot Aesthetic Revisited, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic
2014 Public Eye: 175 Years of Sharing Photography, Stephen A. Schwarzman
2014 Building, New York Public Library, New York, NY
2013 With a Trace: Photographs of Absence, Akron Art Museum, Akron, OH
2013 Xerography, Firstsite, Colchester, Essex, UK
2012 Junge Menschen (Young People), Fotomuseum Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland
2012 Tokyo 1955-1970: A New Avant-Garde, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY 2011 Longing for Identity: Post war Japanese Photographers, Yoshii Gallery, New York, NY
2012 Daido Moriyama x Mika Ninagawa, Taka Ishii Gallery, Kyoto and Tomio Koyama Gallery, Kyoto
2012 Daido Moriyama: Printing Show – TKY, Performa at Aperture Gallery, New York, NY
2010 Twenty Five, Luhring Augustine, New York, NY
2008 Asian Dub Photography, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Moderna, Italy
2008 A Quiet Gaze, Echoing Worlds, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Diana und Actaeon – Der Verbotene Blick Auf Die Nacktheit, Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Germany
2008 You Have Seen Their Faces, Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
2008 Darkside – Photographic Desire and Sexuality Photographed, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland
2007 Portraits, Luhring Augustine, New York, NY
2007 EYES OF AN ISLAND, A survey of Japanese photography, 1945-2007, Michael Hoppen Gallery, London, United Kingdom
2006 Biennale of Sydney, Zones of Contact, Sydney, Australia
2006 Collection of the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
2005 RISING SUN, MELTING MOON, Contemporary Art in Japan, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
2005 CHIKAKU: Time and Memory in Japan, Kunsthaus Graz & Camera Austria travelling to Museum of Contemporary Art Vigo, Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki, Japan
2005 Beyond Light and Shadow The Collection of Kushiro Art Museum: Photographs, Kushiro Art Museum, Hokkaido, Japan
2005 Children of the World: Witness for Tomorrow, The Bunkamura Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan
2005 MORIYAMA SHINJUKU ARAKI, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Rencontres d’Arles Photo Festival 2004
2002 Photonesia, Naha City Public Gallery, Okinawa, Japan
2001 Open City: Street photographs since 1950, Museum of Modern Art Oxford,
2001 United Kingdom, traveling to The Lowry, Salford Quays, United Kingdom, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao, Spain
1996 Figure, Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1995 Photo City Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
1995 Museum of Modern Art Tokyo and Photography 1953-1995, Museum of Modern Art Tokyo Film Center, Tokyo, Japan
1994 Place M Opening Exhibition, Place M, Tokyo, Japan
1992 Japanese Pop Art 1969’s, Fukui Art Museum, Fukui, Japan 1991 Beyond Japan, Barbican Art Gallery, London, United Kingdom
1992 Japanese Photography in Memories Frozen in Time 1970’s, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
1990 Fotofest ’90, Houston, TX
1990 Foto Biennale Rotterdam ’90, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
1990 Tokyo, A City Perspective, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
1990 The Past and the Present of Photography, Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
1990 Photography and Climatology, Miyagi Museum of Art, Miyagi, Japan 1989 Internationale Foto-Triennale, Esslingen, Germany
1990 Eleven Photographers 1965-1975, Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art, Yamaguchi, Japan
1990 Orientalism, White Museum, World Design Expo ’89, Nagoya, Japan
1988 Japanese Contemporary Photographers, Prague, Czech Republic
1987 Japanese Contemporary Photography, Rochester
1986 Fotografia Japonesa Contemporanea, Madrid, Spain
1985 Black Sun: The Eyes of Four, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, United Kingdom 1979 Japan: A Self-Portrait, International Center of Photography, New York, NY 1976 1985 Neue Fotografie aus Japan, Municipal Museum of Graz, Graz, Austria
1975 A History of Japanese Modern Photography, Seibu Museum, Tokyo, Japan 1974 New Japanese Photography, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
1975 Fifteen Photographers, Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
Awards & Honours
2012 Lifetime Achievement Infinity Award from The International Center for Photography, NY
2004 Lifetime Achievement Award from The Photographic Society of Japan the Cultural Award from the German Photographic Association
1983 Photographer of the Year Award from The Photographic Society of Japan 1967 New Artist Award from the Japan Photo-Critics Association
Dec 5, 2015 – Jan 23, 2016
Oct 25 – Nov 6, 2013
Nov 10 – Nov 13, 2011
Sep 10 – Nov 11, 2011
Mar 17 – Mar 20, 2011
Nov 13 – Nov 16, 2008
Jun 4 – Jun 8, 2008
Sept 15 – Dec 14, 2007
Dec 6 – Dec 9, 2007
Dec 5 – Dec 9, 2007
Oct 28, 2004 – Jan 28, 2005
Oct 28 — Nov 1, 2005
Nov 11 – Nov 14, 2004